Playtime with Leo

AKA 1UPs with Krupps

It's because my first name is Leo and my last name is Krupps and because I play videogames and also because 1UPs are videogame related.

You may be here because of my performance art project in which I am totally a real person having real thoughts, Leo Krupp's's's Twitter Account. You may also be interested to see a picture of my body. If you look hard enough you can't see it beneath my lion suit and here we go

Other Things I Wish I Could Blog About But Won't

Leo's Happy Agenda

A list of things to do that make me happy, which also is my review process

  1. Look at box art of game somewhere on here
  2. Play game for five minutes
  3. Share thoughts of game on internet
  4. Become legend


By Leonard Krupps

It is the greatest feeling in the world to unlock yourself